This is part of an e-mail I sent to Randy Pitchford of Gearbox Software, essentially asking him of what was Race X's role in the Half-Life universe. I would like to thank him for taking the time to very kindly respond to my rather insignificant questions. :) (Me) :(Q) 1. In Opposing Force, are Race X and Xen creatures (the Nihilanth's forces and such) intended :to be enemies against each other? Or are they allies working on the same side? They are never :seen fighting ingame (or together in the same area, for that matter), but some believe that :there's evidence to support them being hostile to one another, and vice versa. (Randy Pitchford) ::(A) 1 – I worked within a framework articulated to me by Marc Laidlaw of Valve that allowed ::for many alien species to exist in the universe – some intelligent, some not – some with ::agendas, some without. With what was revealed, you can deduce that the masters of the aliens ::referred to as “Race X” clearly have some sentience and some agenda and they clearly employ or ::subjugate other aliens… In that way, they are similar to the creatures that have subjugated ::the Vortigaunts (and you learn more about that in HL2). Other than that, there is no clear ::answer to your question given the information that’s been revealed by the games.